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  • TitleHironic launches Plasonic, a skin care equipment with plasma technolog…
  • Hit10,672
  • Date18-09-21 15:00



[Money Today, Reporter Moonsun Ko] Hironic, a medical device manufacturer specializing in skin care, announced that it has launched

Plasonic, which has improved its efficacy rate by 4 times by applying plasma technology.

"We acquired a European CE LVD on the 7th of this month, following the approval of Plasonic's KC." said the Hironic official.

"The differentiating features and reasonable price of Plasonic are relatively safe and manageable in a non-invasive manner using

 low-temperature plasma, unlike conventional penetration of active ingredients. We are planning to lead the global aesthetic market by going

beyond domestic and overseas medical device market." he added.

Plasonic is made up of a combination of two mechanisms of plasma and ultrasound to maximize absorption cosmetics. Plasma generated

ions cause a membrane potential effect on the skin, creating a minute gap between the cells, and the solution penetrates directly into the skin,

increasing the absorption rate of the skin and helping to improve the skin. In addition, the 3 MHz ultrasonic hand piece works to ensure

that the penetrated validation is uniform and deeply absorbed. As well as the synergy effect of plasma and ultrasonic waves of Plasonic,

it is possible to use various types of equipment depending on skin type by using individual selection of each substrate.

The Korea Skin Science Research Institute conducted the test from June 25, 2018 to July 27, 2018. As a result, in vitro skin absorption

test of the surface component 'Niacinamide' by the treatment with Plasonic showed that the plasma treated with the plasma had a permeation

rate 4.66 times higher than that of the untreated control skin. So Plasonic has been proven to promote skin penetration of active ingredients.

The application of plasma square tips also increased utilization by 180 minutes without overlapping the skin or creating an empty space.

This advantage resulted in maximum efficiency by allowing management within 3 to 5 minutes.

"We acquired a European CE LVD on the 7th of this month, following the approval of Plasonic's KC." said the Hironic official.

"The differentiating features and reasonable price of Plasonic are relatively safe and manageable in a non-invasive manner using low-temperature

plasma, unlike conventional penetration of active ingredients. We are planning to lead the global aesthetic market by going beyond domestic and

overseas medical device market." he added.​ 

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