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Happy Makers, HIRONIC


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  • Patents

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  • Designs

  • 29
  • 59
  • 22

※ Update : 2024.09.03


  • >Certificate of
    CE MDD

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Laser

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Laser

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Plasma

  • >Certificate of
    Patent FUE

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Feminine

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Cryo Fat Reduction

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Laser

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Laser

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Feminine

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Laser

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Feminine

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Feminine

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent RF

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Laser

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Laser

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Cyro Fat Reduction

  • >Certificate of
    Patent RF

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Acne

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Feminine

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Feminine

  • >Certificate of
    Patent FUE

  • >Certificate of
    Patent FUE

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Cryo Fat Reduction

  • >Certificate of
    Patent FUE

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Cryo Fat Reduction

  • >Certificate of
    Patent FUE

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Cryo Fat Reduction

  • >Certificate of
    Patent RF

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent IPL

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Acne

  • >Certificate of
    Patent RF

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Medical beds

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Cryo Fat Reduction

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent HIFU

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Cryo Fat Reduction

  • >Certificate of
    Patent Power amplifier


  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Bubble Lift

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration PICOHI

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration SONOPASS

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration SLIMUS

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration PLAPASS

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Gentlo

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration VERAMAX

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Doublo K

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration LIFTUS

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration LIFUU

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Doublo 2

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration PLASONIC

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration IREAA

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Swanbe

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration DFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration DUALFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration TRIPLO

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration PFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration HIRONIC

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration HIRONIC

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration JUVINA

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration SYNERGIRO

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration SYNERGIRO

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration VERASHAPE

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration VERASHAPE

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration BYELIPO

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration BYELIPO

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration JUVINA

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration EFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration DFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration DFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration CFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration EFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration CFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration QFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration AFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration QFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration AFIT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration EASYMO GRAFT

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration EASYMO

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration HIRONIC

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration SheLine

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Dr.100

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Dr.100

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Dr.100

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Dr.100

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration HIRONIC COSMETICS

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration MIRACLEAR

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration LIPODOC

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration PICOLASE

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration MICOOL

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration DOUBLE THERAPY

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration DOUBLETHERA

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration DOUBLELIFTING

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration MICOOL

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration Doublo

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration HIRONIC

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration HIRONIC

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration MIDEPI

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration MIXEL

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration MIPL

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration GreenXel

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration BEAUTY SHINE

  • >Certificate of Trademark Registration BEAUTY SHINE


  • >Certificate of Design Registration SD tip

  • >Certificate of Design Registration RM tip

  • >Certificate of Design Registration RM tip

  • >Certificate of Design Registration Laser epilator

  • >Certificate of Design Registration PLASONIC

  • >Certificate of Design Registration IREAA

  • >Certificate of Design Registration SLIMUS

  • >Certificate of Design Registration SLIMUS

  • >Certificate of Design Registration Qfit

  • >Certificate of Design Registration SheLine

  • >Certificate of Design Registration UltraVera

  • >Certificate of Design Registration UltraVera

  • >Certificate of Design Registration SheLine

  • >Certificate of Design Registration UltraVera

  • >Certificate of Design Registration UltraVera

  • >Certificate of Design Registration MIRACLEAR

  • >Certificate of Design Registration NEW MIDAS

  • >Certificate of Design Registration NEW MIDAS

  • >Certificate of Design Registration doublo

  • >Certificate of Design Registration MIXEL

  • >Certificate of Design Registration NEW MIDAS

하이로닉 로고

하이로닉 영문 웹사이트로 이동합니다.
글로벌 웹사이트에는 수출용 제품으로
대한민국에서 허가하지 않은 장비 및 서비스
내용을 포함하고 있습니다. 해당 내용은
대한민국의 의료기기 광고 심의, 규제를 받지 않습니다.

영문 웹사이트 →

It goes to the HIRONIC English website.
The Global Web Site contains equipment
and services that are not authorized by
the Republic of Korea These contents
are not subject to review and regulation
of medical devices in Korea.

English Website →
하이로닉 로고

하이로닉 EU 웹사이트로 이동합니다.
EU(Europe) 웹사이트의 내용은 "CE MDD 또는 CE MDR" 허가승인된 품목의 제품 정보에 관한 것으로, 대한민국의 소비자 보호를 위한 국내법 의료기기의 광고 심의, 규제를 받지 않습니다.

EU 웹사이트 →

It goes to the HIRONIC EU website.
The contents of the EU(European) web page are about product information of items approved for "CEMDD or CEMDR" in EU countries. They are not subject to advertising deliberation and regulation of domestic law medical devices for consumer protection in Korea.

EU Website →
하이로닉 로고

하이로닉 중국어 웹사이트로 이동합니다.
중국어 웹사이트에는 중국내 판매제품으로
대한민국에서 허가하지 않은 장비 및 서비스
내용을 포함하고 있습니다. 해당 내용은
대한민국의 의료기기 광고 심의, 규제를 받지 않습니다.

중국어 웹사이트 →


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