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  • TitleHironic receives a citation from the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and …
  • Hit8,928
  • Date16-11-01 13:59



Mr. Jin-woo Lee, CEO of Hironic makes concentrated investments on the field of research for Hironic to become a global leader

Hironic received a citation from the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy as the Superior Company Prize for Creative Economy at the 2016 National Productivity Awards held on September 30. Hironic was credited for making great contributions to employee welfare, national economy, and society.

First of all, Hironic is enhancing the satisfaction of employees by introducing the best welfare system in the industry,  enabling employees to work in a pleasant environment. The enhancement of employee satisfaction is thus carried on to customer satisfaction.

The flexible working time system has been introduced so that employees can take care of their children, or work on self-development. A Family Day is held on the second Wednesday of every other month to encourage employees to spend valuable time with their family. Food is provided to take home and share with the family, and employees are released one and a half hours earlier than the regular office closing hour.

Furthermore, an interest-free home mortgage loan for a maximum of fifty million KRW is provided to employees who live far away from the office, or are having trouble buying a house. A dormitory of the highest quality is provided for the convenience of long-distance commuters. In addition, Hironic is listening to the opinions of their employees, and fulfilling the items one by one.

Hironic is also active in CSR activities, which were once thought to be only for large conglomerates, and is setting an example for all small and medium-sized enterprises. It is the sixth year that Hironic is donating 1% of net profits to Korean Minjok Leadership Academy. Hironic will continue to expand its CSR activities to fulfill its goal of becoming a company which ‘makes people happy’.

Mr Jin-woo Lee, CEO of Hironic added, “We are making concentrated investments in the field of research, with R&D human resources composing 30% of the entire company, and holding 120 intellectual properties. We will spend the next ten years working towards becoming a leading global company.”

Hironic, with its continued success in developing local technology, is now the leader in the Korean industry, which was once dependent on costly imported equipment. Hironic is developing into a global aesthetics and medical devices company, targeting advanced markets with its first-to-market technology and products.​


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