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  • TitleHironic Announces the World's First HIFU Urinary Incontinence Tr…
  • Hit9,268
  • Date16-10-05 17:05

Hironic, a leading innovator of medical aesthetic laser and energy devices, announced that the world’s first HIFU urinary incontinence treatment clinical study using Ultra Vera™ was presented at the 18th Japanese Society of Female Pelvic Floor Medicine (JFPFM) held in Kitakyushu from June 11th to 12th.


At the Kitakyushu International Conference Center which seats 500 attendees, Dr. Yuki Sekiguchi, chairman of the LUNA Clinic, stated, “Although this was not a major-scale clinical study, it was enough to gain my confidence that the Ultra Vera provided effective treatment of urinary incontinence over the duration of the clinical. Because even a nonsurgical treatment can produce such remarkable results, I felt it was worth reporting the results to the Society.

Hironic official said the Ultra Vera was originally developed as a device for vaginal tightening, but it has been proven to effectively treat urinary incontinence. Hironic will continue to perform additional clinical studies and do its best to make Ultra Vera a breakthrough treatment for many patients suffering from urinary incontinence.


Society of Female Pelvic Floor Medicine (previously Urogynecology) is a renowned Japanese society of professional gynecologists, urologists and related surgeons and nurses. It has been conducting research related to various female pelvic disease and treatment including the uterus, vagina, bladder and urinary incontinence. With a majority of 200 out of 350 members attending this event, nonsurgical HIFU treatment will continue to raise high interest in Japan.

Dr. Sekiguchi, a highly influential expert in female urology, is currently the director of LUNA Clinic. Established in 2005, LUNA Clinic is located in Yokohama near Tokyo and provides gynecology and urology clinical services for female patients.


Recognized as a pioneer in South Korea’s medical aesthetics market, Hironic has been setting itself apart from the competition by successfully developing and launching innovative products. In particular, Easymo Graft, a nonsurgical FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant device, and Ultra Vera, the world’s first HIFU device for vaginal tightening, have raised much interest in both domestic and overseas market, and Hironic expects both products to contribute significantly to its revenue growth in the second half. Since medical devices can be imported legally in Japan with just a doctor’s license, Hironic further expects that Ultra Vera’s positive clinical results will lead to sales growth in Japan. 

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