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  • TitleEuropean Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, EADV2016 ends in grea…
  • Hit9,222
  • Date16-11-01 14:10

Hironic participated in the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, EADV2016, which was held from September 27 - October 2, 2016 in Vienna, Austria. Hironic exhibited upcoming key products, such as the Ultra Vera TM, and laser equipment specialized for acne treatment, a combination of the diode laser and cryogen gas high-frequency waves. The Ultra Vera TM, the first product to apply the leading HIFU technology to vaginal plasticity and urinary inconsistency treatment received the attention of the European OBGYN specialists and other clinicians. Furthermore, the A-FIT TM (RF Diode laser), an acne treatment device which was the world’s-first to use diode laser and high-frequency waves was received favorably by doctors from Turkey in Europe and Tunis in Africa, where there are focused markets for acne treatment.

In addition to the key products, small-sized treatment devices for general clinics were launched at this exhibition, highlighting Korea’s superior brands and products in the aesthetics industry.


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