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  • TitleHironic, '2015 User Festival'
  • Hit9,274
  • Date16-10-05 10:55

Global beauty company specializing in medical devices Hironic (CEO Jin-Woo Lee, the 24th, Jung-gu, Seoul Jangchung material "Banyan Tree Club & Spa" at Grand Ballroom, "2015. Hironic user Festival" was held.


Events have been introduced at home and abroad well-known dermatologist, the medical staff attending up to 200 people, including professional plastic surgery, with lectures, various methods of treatment and know-how, it introduced new trends device, such as a new teaching and 2015 for successful hospital operating year.


 The event specialist of the river, as well as Hironic of all products to one place to see to make a booth is equipped Hironic's flagship lifting equipment Doublo series and cooling lipolysis equipment Micool series, inhaled IPL Miraclear Plus line showed, especially in the new women's HIFU DoubloV showcase equipment and non-equipment Easymo graft hair transplant incision was great interest from users.


 Director Kim Ji Hoon Kim Ji Hoon of dermatology lecture 'Doublo extreme level, "Change Clinic ohseungmin director of' Micool cooling by utilizing the fat" of Singapore Dr. K K Chew various treatment practices on the topic "International procedures and practices Doublo director of information, and share mutual expertise surgery received a lot of attention from attendees.


 The overall progress of the event, I was given the corporate model, broadcaster Ji-Ae Lee Hironic progress of the announcer who raised more beautifully stunning looks and stylish elegance of the event speaking ability is a reaction.


 Hironic CEO Jin-Woo Lee is grateful to the attention of "user needs. Breaking the existing framework User Meeting held for the first time since the IPO was worried what a lot of the ways to repay the support of our customers. I think that was a particularly significant place in the domestic as well as international participants plenty User who share the vision of the meaning Hironic bigger I would like to take this position. With more advanced technology in 2016 as a diverse and differentiated marketing can be a little help in the management of hospitals my teacher will endeavor to repay the support of our guests. Once again, thank you knock greetings Dear my teacher who attended the Hironic User Meeting "he said.​ 

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