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  • TitleDOUBLO GOLD received CE Certificate.
  • Hit11,420
  • Date17-12-06 14:04
A medical & aesthetic corporate HIRONIC (CEO, Jinwoo Lee) has announced the receipt of CE MDD Certification on one of their best selling device DOUBLO GOLD.

The Medical Device Directive is intended to harmonize the laws relating to medical devices within the European Union. Products conforming with the MD Directive must have a CE mark applied. The Certification proves the devices safety and quality.

HIRONIC is already familiar with CE MDD Certification as its 2015 models of the DOUBLO and DOUBLO-S has received the Certificate. Now with DOUBLO GOLD being certified, it is expected for the overseas markets to grow even more.

The recently certified device, the DOUBLO GOLD, promotes an ‘Auto Shot’ which shoots the HIFU continuously without stopping. This allows 300 shots to be treated in around 8 minutes while it was around 17 minutes before the technology.

A member of HIRONIC mentioned that, they see a bright future for the overseas market not only for the European market, but also for other regions like Asia, Middle East and etc. With another experience of CE approval, HIRONIC plans to develop more products to suit the global standards.


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It goes to the HIRONIC EU website.
The contents of the EU(European) web page are about product information of items approved for "CEMDD or CEMDR" in EU countries. They are not subject to advertising deliberation and regulation of domestic law medical devices for consumer protection in Korea.

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