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  • TitleHironic Attends Intercharm 2016 in Moscow
  • Hit8,977
  • Date16-12-01 16:24

For three days from the 26th to the 29th of October, 2016, Hironic attended INTERCHARM 2016, the largest beauty show in Russia, held at the Crocus Expo in Moscow. Russia is the fourth largest beauty-related market in Europe. Its beauty industry grew by 13% from last year and as much as 139% over the last seven years. 


Hironic attended the event in order to analyze the trends in the gigantic beauty market in Russia and understand the status of market entry by its competitors. Hironic exhibited various products through its agencies in Russia and received favorable responses from dermatologists and esthetic industry workers in Russia. A large number of people attended a seminar about Doublo organized by the Hironic agency in Russia, indicating a high level of interest in this product in the country. Doublo is one of the steady-selling products in Russia. Among HIFU-related devices, this model is receiving a particularly high level of interest.


In addition, through pre-marketing for its new medical skincare products for export (A-FITTM, VERA SHAPE and, especially, JUVINA Filler), Hironic was able to secure new agencies suitable to the new product lineup in Russia. By continuously participating in INTERCHARM, Hironic will be able to analyze firsthand the market trends in Russia and discover and secure competitive local partners, and thus grow in the gigantic Russian market. Despite the economic stagnation and various other unfavorable factors, this year’s INTERCHARM ended in great success with approximately 3,500 beauty-related brands participating. 



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