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  • TitleHIRONIC Co., Ltd. PICOHI European CE MDD certification
  • Hit5,173
  • Date21-10-01 15:52


Hironic Co., Ltd., a skin beauty medical device company, announced that PICOHI, a Picosecond-based laser medical device, has been certified as Medical Devices Directive (CE MDD), an essential certification for entering the European market. This means that PICOHI’s quality and safety have been certified by the European Union, an advanced country, and this is expected to be a major catalyst for external growth as it will be able to enter the European market in earnest.

PICOHI, which has been certified as European CE MDD, is a laser that uses a trillionth of picosecond laser that can perform more precise procedures than nano lasers, and is particularly effective when removing various pigments from Korea and abroad.

In addition, PICOHI is an equipment that has received attention from the professional laser industry while stably implementing 300 pulse duration, and its main feature is that both MLA (Micro Lens Array) and DOE (Diffractive Optical Element) handpieces can be used on the same platform. In addition, it has a variety of handpieces, such as DOE of two wavelengths, 532nm and 1064nm, VMLA with depth adjustment, and ZMLA with spot size adjustment, enabling customized treatment for each skin indication.

A Hironic official did not hide his expectations, saying, " PICOHI is receiving a lot of attention from both domestic and overseas, and we expect this European CE MDD certification to serve as the foundation for developing markets in advanced countries such as Europe and the United States." 

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