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The Newest Updates on Hironic


  • Hit4,796
  • Date24-01-23 14:11

HIRONIC will be hosting a global symposium during IMCAS 2024 in Paris, France, and would love to see you there!

Medical aesthetics professionals from France, the United Kingdom, and South Korea will present lectures and discuss recent advancements in RF and HIFU skin treatments. Join the HIRONIC symposium for the beautiful prospect of knowledge sharing and networking!

Date: February 3rd, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Location: France, Paris, Palais des Congrès de Paris, Level 4, Regency Suite 10+11

- Christian Fayard, MD: Aesthetic medicine, lasers, and cosmetology expert, consultant, and trainer with more than 30 years of clinical experience
- Dr. Rehanna Beckhurst: Aesthetic clinician and cosmetic dentist with more than 20 years of clinical experience
- Dr. Wonkyu Hong: Dermatologist specializing in pigmentation laser treatments, laser lifting, anti-aging, and skin disorders treatments

For a detailed agenda and preliminary registration, check here

NOTICE: Please note that only registered attendees of IMCAS World Congress 2024 will be eligible to attend HIRONIC Symposium 2024.

HIRONIC Press Center


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