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  • TitleCEO's LETTER
  • Hit633
  • Date24-08-14 14:51

Dear Valued Partners and Clients,

As someone who has been with HIRONIC from its inception, I am thrilled to continue our legacy of innovation and excellence in the aesthetic medical device industry. Our mission at HIRONIC has always been to enrich society and our customers’ welfare through innovative medical devices. We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for our users and expanding the possibilities within skin beauty technology.

Looking ahead, we are committed to becoming the No.1 company in the global aesthetic medical device industry by 2030. We have set a clear vision to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction and to elevate the quality of our services and products to the highest standards. These opportunities and challenges fill me with great anticipation.

We will maintain the trust and confidence you have placed in us, and we are devoted to providing solutions that meet the evolving needs of our global customers. We are grateful for your ongoing partnership and support. Together, we will set new industry standards, ensuring that our products not only meet but exceed your expectations. 

We sincerely welcome your continuous advice and interest.

Best regards, 

Jinu Lee



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It goes to the HIRONIC EU website.
The contents of the EU(European) web page are about product information of items approved for "CEMDD or CEMDR" in EU countries. They are not subject to advertising deliberation and regulation of domestic law medical devices for consumer protection in Korea.

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