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  • TitleHIRONIC, won the 2023 Customer Satisfaction Award for Service Chosen b…
  • Hit2,914
  • Date23-05-23 13:59




Hironic Co., Ltd. (CEO Kwon Geum-Lye) won the grand prize in the beauty and medical device category at the Money Today '2023 Consumer Satisfaction Awards' held at the Korea Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 27th.


The 'Service Customer Satisfaction Grand Prize selected by consumers' is an award given to companies that discover promising service companies in each field of the next generation and realize customer satisfaction. 


HIRONIC's mission is an abbreviation of High Electronic, meaning that it will supply products with high technology to the market. In fact, Hironic launched Doublo, the first in Korea and world's second HIFU (High-intensity focused ultrasound) lifting equipment, and the world's first 4th generation HIFU + RF combined equipment V-RO LIFTING (Export name: New Doublo) and 'PICOHI300' that realize stable 300ps, etc., receiving many love calls from medical staff and consumers, leading the technology within the market.


In addition, HIRONIC's management philosophy and slogan are 'Happy Maker, HIRONIC, a company that creates a happy world', which implies that it will improve the quality of life and contribute to creating a happy world with a beautiful and confident appearance.

An official from Hironic said, “We feel a great sense of responsibility for winning the award for six consecutive years, and we will continue to strive to maintain customer satisfaction through differentiated concept products and customer-oriented services.” Also, "Sales are increasing with our flagship products 'Vrolifting' (Export name: New Doublo) and 'PICOHi', which are continuously loved, and we expect steady growth through new products to come in the future," 

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