As a leading Korean manufacturer of medical EBD for aesthetics, with 18 years of experience and over 9,000 devices sold worldwide,
we are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest breakthrough—the 3rd Generation Needle-Free Triple Synergy Injector, SynerJet Pro.
The SynerJet Pro revolutionizes the application of medical aesthetics treatments by synergizing the effects of Microjetting, Electroporation, and Plasma technologies.
This state-of-the-art injector ensures 100% needle-free operations, reducing pain and risks associated with traditional methods. Designed for precise depth and volume control,
SynerJet Pro offers uniform delivery for consistently excellent results.
An exclusive early deal is now available for our partners who wish to pioneer the future of aesthetic treatments with us.
For more details, we invite you to visit our product page:
*Please note that this is an international informational page about product. Product indications for use and specifications may vary by country.
To obtain information relevant to your territory, kindly submit a request via the request form provided.
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