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  • Hit3,980
  • Date24-02-29 13:51

From March 27th to 29th, HIRONIC will participate in the Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC) 2024 in Monaco, showcasing its globally acclaimed devices: the innovative MFU+RF synergy treatment system NEW DOUBLO 2.0™, the renowned advanced RF treatment system SILKRO™, and the exceptionally precise and stable picolaser PICOHI™. To enhance attendees' experience with HIRONIC products, on March 27th, HIRONIC will host a Global Symposium featuring international key opinion leaders.

Renowned experts from the fields of dermatology and plastic surgery, Dr. Lukas Kofler (Germany) and Dr. Andreas Moutsoudis (Greece), will present lectures on their clinical experiences with SILKRO™, HIRONIC's RF total skin solution system that combines RF-microneedling and PLASMA. If you are interested in learning how to enhance the effectiveness of RF-microneedling treatments and elevate patient care, be sure to attend the HIRONIC symposium!

Date: March 27th, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM

Location: Monaco, Grimaldi Forum, Level 2, Van Dongen Room

· Dr. Lukas Kofler, MD: Medical Director at the Center for Skin Diseases (Biberach) and Vice-President of the German Society for Dermatosurgery, specializing in dermatology and dermatosurgery.
· Dr. Andreas Moutsoudis: Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the Department of Dermatology of Aristotle University and Founder and Lead Surgeon at Moutsoudis Plastic Surgery, specializing in skin cancer, breast reconstruction, and facial aesthetic surgery.

For inquiries regarding the HIRONIC Global Symposium, please send an email to

NOTICE: Please note that only registered attendees of AMWC 2024 will be eligible to attend the HIRONIC Global Symposium.

HIRONIC Press Center



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