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The Newest Updates on Hironic


  • Hit2,010
  • Date24-01-23 14:06

As we make our first steps in 2024, HIRONIC would like to extend wishes for success, prosperity, and health to its partners and their loved ones in the new year.

Reflecting on 2023, a year marked by challenges and exciting achievements, we invite you to recap major milestones of HIRONIC:

• Celebration of the company's 17th anniversary by HIRONIC and its partners
• Presentation of HIRONIC flagship products at IMCAS, DUBAI DERMA, COSMOPROF, AAD, KIMES, and AMWC
• MFDS certification for NEW DOUBLO 2.0 (Korean trademark: V-RO ADVANCE)
• Publication of two scientific papers on the Synergy Dotting (MFU+RF) technology of NEW DOUBLO™ in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and the Skin Research & Technology Journal
• Recognition of GENTLO​ with an award for excellence in the Innovative Device category at the Northern Ireland Cosmetic Medicine Awards
• Publication of a clinical study involving Ultra Vera in the Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology
• Launch and successful conduct of HIRONIC Distributor Training four times for global partners
• Increased presence in Asia, South America, and Eastern Europe
• Receipt of the '2023 Customer Satisfaction Award,' securing the prize for the 6th consecutive year

HIRONIC expresses gratitude to all its global partners for their continuous support and trust in the company's products, anticipating greater accomplishments in 2024.

HIRONIC Press Center



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