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  • Hit1,622
  • Date23-11-22 10:08


GENTLO​, HIRONIC’s comprehensive RF skin treatment system, has been selected as a finalist for the Northern Ireland Cosmetic Medicine Awards 2023 in the 'Innovative Device of the Year' category.

The NI Cosmetic Medicine Awards encompass various aspects, including cosmetic clinics, doctors, nurses, non-surgical devices, treatment practices, media presence, and more. The awards ultimately go to participants who receive the most votes from the community, including patients, customers, and followers, and are approved by the expert judging panel consisting of medical practitioners, consultants, and clinic owners.

GENTLO Overview:
GENTLO™ was first released in 2021, obtaining CE MDD certification in the same year. The device is also marketed in the US under the trade-name SILKRO™ since 2022, following its FDA 510(k) clearance. As of November 2023, GENTLO​ (SILKRO) has been sold in 28 countries, with growing interest from distributors in other international markets.

Awards and Recognition:
In 2022, the device was awarded the 2022 Korea World-Class Product Award. The treatment system comes with four different handpieces, allowing for the treatment of various skin conditions, including acne, acne scars, stretch marks, laxity, wrinkles, and more, using RF energy. In foreign markets, the device is equipped with the 5th handpiece for PLASMA application, enhancing RF treatment by providing additional skin disinfection and toning effects.

About HIRONIC Co., Ltd.:
HIRONIC is a leading medical aesthetic device manufacturer, exporting products such as MFU, RF, laser, and cryo devices to about 66 countries. The company was established in 2006 and listed on the Korean stock market, KOSDAQ, in 2014. It currently sells a range of devices, including DOUBLO, DOUBLO-S, DOUBLO GOLD, NEW DOUBLO, GENTLO​ (SILKRO), PICOHI, ULTRA VERA, SLIMUS, MICOOL-S, and PLASONIC.

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