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  • Title[Ask a Doctor] "Technique of Facelift is Key"
  • Hit8,794
  • Date17-06-12 17:26





Most people want to look younger than they actually are. The attributes of a youthful face are many. Clear skin, round face shape, pillowy lips, soft, flowing contours of facial bone structure—these features all contribute to a young-looking face. 

Of these, skin elasticity is a critical decider of the ostensible age of a face. Especially, improvement of wrinkles, the harbinger of onset of aging, achieves a face that is dramatically more attractive and younger-looking. Consumers seeking to reclaim youth are turning to the "Doublo Gold Lifting" technique of wrinkle improvement, a system of lifting the outer layer of the skin and pulling taut the inner tissue. 

Doublo is a high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) device which simultaneously treats both the dermis and the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) for immediate improvement through lifting and wrinkle reduction. Doublo Gold Lifting is an evolved version of the original Doublo Lifting and affords a treatment that is faster and more effective. 

By radiating high-intensity focused ultrasound energy at the skin, Doublo Gold Lifting induces a thermal reaction of over 60°C to contract and lift skin tissue. A regenerative reaction of the skin occurring after a treatment tightens the skin over two to four weeks; this reaction also includes a continual generation of collagen and elastin; consequently, the result of Doublo Gold Lifting treatment becomes more satisfying over time, after the actual treatment. Recipients of this treatment can expect signs of restored skin elasticity such as reduced sagging of the cheeks and jawline, and reduced smile lines, neck wrinkles, and jowls. 

The greatest merit of Doublo Gold Lifting is its short treatment time. After just eight minutes of treatment you can return to your everyday life without pain, bruising, or swelling. As well, Double Gold Lifting is safe through precision, as treatment take place while monitoring the patient's skin structure.

Dr. Jin-sung Park of CNP Skin Laser Clinic Apgujeong explained the Doublo Gold Lifting system: "It replenishes with collagen, which the aging skin lacks. Because Doublo Gold Lifting pulls the skin taut from both the outside and inside, your skin is left looking and feeling younger by the day." 

Dr. Park added, "A professional consultation is required to achieve the best result through a systematic and safe treatment."



Source of article : ​KNS 




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